A workshop for Spiritual Seekers or Shamanic Practitioners Wishing to Deepen their Practice
The Zikr Ancient Mystical Practice of Transcending Ego to Remember Our Connection to Great Spirit/Creator/God/Allah |
Harness your body, that you may access greater powers!
Those who surrender themselves find inner strength!
When the soul becomes the warrior, all fear melts!
[Master Po]
In Ecstatic Chanting & Movement we weave a magical tapestry of holistic experience from 3 golden threads:
****** Self-purification/Cleansing/Releasing ******
******** Self-disciplined repetitive ritual ********
******** Free-spirited self-actualisation ********
Meditative Chanting & Movement are Spiritual Practices providing 3 Benefits:
* A bigger [cosmic] & richer [spiritual/emotional] experience of ourselves and the world
* Sense of Acceptance, Belonging, Harmony, Inclusion [success, happiness]
* Access to transcendent resources of wisdom, guidance and creativity
How you can benefit from the Zikr spiritual practice...
UK "Oneness" Workshop August 5th 2012 All Things are Connected! - Mitakuye Oyasin
Shamanism & Positive Living Newsletter Shamanic Healing/Training: Needs or Enquiries