Background to this workshop: Psychic Attack - Energy Theft - Undermining & Sniping - Toxic People

Personal Attack     Psychic Protection
Energy Theft         Self-Sabotage  

Handle toxic relationships - Deal with poisonous  people Respond to relationships poison - Safe relating - Soul connection - Copyright Anim.Fact
"Build Inner Strength - Sense of Self - Psychic Protection"

A relaxed, friendly workshop to Protect & Restore your...

Energy Level  -  Personal Integrity  -  Peace of Mind

The "psyche" is the non-physical aspect of ourselves. The origin is from the Greek word 'psycho' meaning "to blow" - "psyche" being "the last breath before death" and the part of our identity that leaves our body at the point of death. Modern ideas of psyche or "self-hood" range around "Mind", "Consciousness", "Subtle body", "Energy-field" or "Soul".

Like our physical body, our non-physical self is vulnerable to attack, abuse and mis-use experiences.

Psychic (mind, spirit, energy) protection skills workshop - Bar Hill, Cambridgeshire Psychic & Shamanic Skills


  • Self-awareness, Psyche Wisdom, Disentanglement, Breathwork
  • Space-clearing ("Personal space", "Sacred space", "Healing space") techniques
  • Self-purification rituals - emotional clearing, smudging, rattling, bathing etc
  • Gain Perspective & Raise Energy: Native American meditative dance
  • Support: connection to Divine beings/Higher-self/Nature/Community
  • Spiritual dialogue: prayer, worship, offerings, rituals, chants etc
  • Resonant protection + Transmuting energy - music, movement, chant: Aramaic Beatitudes
  • Sharing of participants' favourite Psyche-protective tips & techniques
  • Clearing & Balancing chakras, Grounding wobbly feelings
  • The Power of Intention - Intentionality-driven protective techniques
  • Intentionality can fail - What to do next!
  • Soul retrieval - The How could anyone? Healing Circle + Heart Mudra
  • Healing Touch


    Native American "Nature & Spirit Connection" dance
    A simple meditative dance/chant to open up our perspective and draw energy and security from the beauty and wonder of the world around us. Appreciation and gratitude are spiritual attitudes which change our emotional experience from negative or "disconnected", to positive and more connected to life. This shift in emotional experience can have a positive benefit for our energy field, mind and immune systems - see Psychoneurobiology.


    Transformative Aramaic Meditations to Music from the Gnostic tradition
    Drawing on the "energy judo" principle of moving with an emotional/spiritual force in order to harness and transmute the energy of it. Psychic attack and energy depletion are oftne drawn to us by the hidden agendas of our ego. These chakra-resonance Aramaic chants cultivate positive mind, body, soul, gut-feeling and heart-centredness. There is an opening up to the incredible power of divine love when we surrender our Ego and bring its insecurity-driven fears, agendas and cravings into consciousness. Based on the healing wisdom of the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount, based on the chakra-resonant music & healing wisdom insights of Sufi Master Saadi (Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz)
    These moving meditations draw on the sound-healing power of the ancient Aramaic language that was used by the great shamanic healer Yeshua (Jesus).

    Self-empowerment Breathwork
    To find and follow our path of self-actualising fulfilment we have to free ourselves from the grip of powerful emotions and states of mind (fear, lethargy, anger, habit, craving, depression etc) that might otherwise dictate our actions and fly in the face of our best wisdom and long-term interests. We can't live fully and wisely if our decisions are determined by passing emotions or rigid patterns or mental attitudes.
    We will practise simple breathing techniques that stabilise mind and emotions and thereby free-up our options and choices - putting our highest skill back in charge of our life.

    *More UK Workshops: Healing & Stress Management Courses




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