Is a Verbally Abusive Person or Cruel Insulting People Making Your Life a Misery?
Verbal abusers can include husband, wife, partner, friends, family or work associates. They are people who persistently do any of these damaging or bullying things...
- Continue to make insulting comments about your clothes, appearance, friends, job etc., when it clearly offends you or after you have expressly asked them to stop
- Shout, yell or scream at you in a way that is alarming, upsetting or traumatic for you
- Swear at you, insult or sneer at you, repeatedly "rubbish" your words or actions.
- Use a tone of voice, facial expression or other body-language that "speaks down to you"
- Criticize you in a destructive, demeaning way which harms your self-esteem
- Constantly put you down - nothing you do will ever be good enough!
- Address or Label you negatively e.g. call you stupid, fat, lazy, call you "an idiot" etc
- Exaggerate, or constantly remind you, of your weaknesses, failings, past mistakes etc.
- Ignore you when speaking in a group, or take up an excessive share of attention, conversation or physical "space"
- Engage in destructive communications, actions or inactions, which "stab you in the back"
- Bully you, manipulate you, pressurize you, or encourage you to have feelings of guilt or inferiority.
- Say "poisoned" things that encourage you to feel guilty, hurt or traumatised.
- Lie to you, deceive you, or deprive you of ("hold back") information that you need.
Verbal Abuse: How to Respond to "Put-Downs" & Social Pressure! Don't Let Words ring You down - You are beautiful, no matter what they say! So see - and seize! - your Opportunity! VERBAL JUDO TIPS, TECHNIQUES & STRATEGIES: U.K. USA Worldwide When you React, the event controls You, When You Respond Creatively, You take Control + Set the Agenda! |
Why do we attract & accept abuse?
Why are we sometimes our own worst abuser?
Meet the The Self-Sabotage Inner Demon
How to Respond Assertively to Verbal Abuse & Change Abusive Relationships |
Tips on Responding to Verbal Abuse Popular Manuals/Downloads/Music Links to constantly updated study lists at... |
Deal Effectively with Difficult People: Toxic Relationships - How to Change Them!
Your Big Kind Heart is Open to the Subtle Abuse of: Career Victims
Protect Yourself & Heal Psychic Energy Abuse: Psychic Protection
Confronting Hostile People: Face up to Hostility & Aggression