First, a skilful creative state of mind is developed: by means of attunement exercises & sharing or writing-down current quests, personal issues, problems, goals, illness, directions or dreams.
Artistic creativity and craftwork skill is facilitated by a guided meditation or drumming a Shamanic Journey in order to access unconscious inner resources to guide the craftwork or art therapy.
A personal lone journey is then made into nature to connect intuitively to the materials to be used for your magical tool OR healing symbol .
We call this a "Medicine Walk", during which certain materials and directions of walking will attract us. We as our spirit guide to guide us, or we seek out a tree or other plant that will speak to us. If we need to take any material from a living plant, we first ask it for permission.How to Make a Shaman's Drum Rattle Dreamcatcher Medicine Shield or Totem Pole
Making a Talking stick, Shaman's Staff, Magical Wand, Altar Decoration, Shaman's rattle, Healer's staff, Aura duster, Fetish pot (a "fetish" is an object with magical power to protect or aid), Prayer stick or other symbolic, self-expressive, self-protective or self-healing construction is an opportunity to channel creative spiritual energies. They are best made out of renewable natural resources such as twigs, leaves, vines, feathers, bones, leather, cotton, fur, wool or animal skin. If necesary, some recyclable materials such as metal wire may be used. Making symbolic items like these provides an excellent opportunity to express personal core values, qualities or aspirations.
Naturecraft - Wood & Feather Tools
(L to R): Prayer Stick, Fetish Pots with Prayer Sticks (2), Feathered Aura Dusters (2)
These pictures come from the Shaman's manual "Animal Speak"
How to Make a Dreamcatcher (Dreamweaver) - Materials & Practical Advice Dreamcatcher Art Guides: UK & Europe Canada USA |
How to Make Your Own Shamanic Rattles |
Make Your Own Personal Totem Pole - Ideas & Techniques for Children Manuals on Building, Making or Carving Totem Poles: UK & Europe Canada USA |
Native American Shamanic Drum-Making Workshops in Cambridgeshire: With Keith BarrettDrum-Making Skills - Make Your Own Shamanic Drum
How to Make a Native American Hand Drum [Frame Drum]
Drum-Making Guides & Manuals: UK & Europe Canada
Instructions for Making a Native American Hoop Drum
Drum-Making Guides & Manuals: UK & Europe Canada
A Medicine Shield is traditionally made out of natural material, such as animal hide, stretched over a wooden hoop with central decoration and other items hung around the edges. Feathers, fringes, beads, bones and sometimes other dangling objects are attached. Medicine shields typically have personal emblems, symbols or power animals painted on them. They are not used for fighting defense, but for inspiration, family/tribal honour and spirit-connection. The colours used may also symbolise particular energies, qualities or have colour-healing properties.
Shamans and their Symbols - prayer altar outside sweat lodge (L), Mercury totem in stones (R)
Very technical shamanic medicine shields reflect aspects of the Native American Medicine Wheel
Shaman's Nature Arts & Spiritual Tradition - Manual: Shamanic Experience - Kenneth Meadows
Shamanic Art - Natural Therapy Popular Resources (continuously updated lists opening in new browser window) |
Find Your Totem Animal - Shamanism Resources Guide
Shamanism Training Courses, Events, Workshops - Cambridgeshire East Anglia UK
Healing & Therapeutic Self-Healing Skills Resources: Path of Healing
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