Equinox Celebration of Life-Balance in Cambridgeshire UK
Balancing Darkness & Light in Our Lives at Equinox time!

Celtic Mabon [Autumn Equinox] Celebration of Life-Balance

*Celebrate Autumn Equinox in Dance & Song!... Sing-along/Dance-along!

  *Background to the Mabon/Equinox Festival

*Video Meditation: Come into The Light!

*Equinox: Balancing Security & Insecurity

*Throat Chakra Tools at Autumn Equinox

The Equinox Challenge to Balance Security & Insecurity
Are You Balancing (Financial?) Security
The Sands
** of this Lifetime Running Out?

[** soul-nourishment opportunities]

Sometimes we sacrifice personal fulfilment for feeling secure, be it the financial security of a job we hate or the security of relationships that unduly restrict, diminish or emotionally starve us. On the other hand, unbalanced, ungrounded, reckless pursuit of our needs and dreams can lead to over-hasty "live now, pay later" consequences.


Equinox Celebration: "Enter the Circle of Balanced Energies!" - "Engage with the Flow of Life!"

Autumn Equinox and the Throat Chakra

In energetic terms
, Autumn ("The Fall") is a time of year when we can easily "Fall" into...
Tibetan Singing Bowl playing 'G' note for clearing the Throat Chakra, Room spaces, Personal energy, Meditation, Sound healing work - Spiritual Gift

Throat Chakra - Sound Healing
  • Comfort eating
  • Increased alcohol consumption
  • Couch potato (mindless, passive) lifestyle
  • Adrenaline addiction (workaholic or conflict-prone)
  • Reckless self-indulgence
Throat Chakra Protection & Clearing - Blue Coral Chip Bracelet - Guard against psychic attack

  Throat Chakra - Crystal
We need a well-balanced and clear throat chakra (energy centre) which is energetically balanced by an inter-flow with the heart/will center - As opposed to an over-active throat/communication centre driven by an over-active (worrying or arrogant) mind!

It is fascinating that the key role of the throat chakra at this time of year perfectly reflects the ancient Celtic tradition of connecting to the qualities associated with the deity "Lugh" i.e. "Light of the intellect" and "Spiritual illumination".

We will be activating and clearing our throat chakra as part of celebrating the Equinox in this event - singing and expressing ourself as fully as we dare!

The role of the Throat Chakra is to connect us to our soul purpose, self-expression and a path of focussed creative (balanced with some destructive space-clearing!) action driven by our WILL POWER!

*More about the Throat Chakra at Autumn Equinox

Inner Light as Outer Light Fades... Become The Light You Are!

from Bliss album "A Hundred Thousand Angels" Details: Amazon UK   U.S. edition
This Beautiful Meditative Ballad
Reminds us to "Come into the Divine Light"
As natural daylight declines

We can avoid the depression of SAD syndrome (seasonal affective disorder)
by drawing on the support of the "divine" light.
Where do I go with all these feelings?
And all these faces and open doors?
When everyone else seems so serene
And I just feel so insecure

What should I do when a gentle hand
reaches out to take my own?
How should I feel when tears of joy
just won't stay inside these eyes?

Where do I go with all these memories?
And all these bags filled up with shame?
How should I feel when you call me an angel?
And dress me in a crown of gold?

What should I do when tears of sorrow
just won't stay inside these eyes?
You say...
"Come into The Light why don't you?"
"Come on Now!  Come into The Light!"
Where do I go when all the pieces
of my heart feel on the floor?
You say...
"Come into The Light why don't you?"
"Come on Now!  Come into The Light!"
What will I do when I start to love you?
Really trust and know you're there?
You say...
"You'll be in The Light where I am!"
"Come on Now!  Come into The Light!"

Planting our "Survival/Success/Fulfillment" Seed for the New Season

Flowing with the Energy Patterns of the 5 Elements

We dance a modern adaptation of the Seneca tribe symbolic "Planting Ritual" from the Dances of Universal Peace. Building Resourcefulness & Flexibility via moving sequentially in the 5 elemental energy patterns (earth, water, fire, air, ether). The five element verses are alternated with actions that call down the guidance and support of our "Upper World" spiritual helpers.

Hey Hey Ya Na Na
Hey Ya Na
Hey Hey Ya Na Na Hey

Hey Ya Na Na
Hey Ya Na Na
Hey Ya Na Na Hey

[Hear this Native American Planting Dance Ritual]    

  • Aligning with "Here and Now"

  • Enhanced body awareness leads to "Integration". Enhanced inner & outer awareness opens the door to "Flow".
    A chance to directly experience this via a specific walking meditation a "Healing Journey" i.e. a movement towards more Wholeness and Ease (= "flow", "ease" as opposed to "dis-ease").


  • "Stress Management & Self-empowerment"

  • a) Breathwork wazifa using the mantric sounds "Shanoon" & "Hey hey ya hey ya ya"
    b) Heart-Healing & Heart-Protection based on a Native American Willow-tree wisdom dance:
      Phase 1:  Moving and chanting in the pattern of harmonious flow;
      Phase 2:  Moving & chanting: heart-driven self-empowerment: commitment, passion, tough love, "putting one's foot down";
      Phase 3:  Moving & chanting in "four directions" pattern of "big picture" objectivity, loving acceptance, heart-wisdom.

  • Re-Igniting the Spark to Engage with, and Follow, Our Personal, Soul-Purpose Path

  • Many people choose to live their lives "stuck in a rut" - miserable and unfulfilled, unprepared for death. Engaging in The Way (lifestyle) of the Shaman begins with nurturing our desire and passion for fulfillment - for living more fully, achieving more of our potential and having a fuller experience of ourselves and of the integrated earthly/spiritual life for which we have incarnated into this lifetime. For this we will draw on the Native American wisdom of the Medicine Wheel incorporating the 4 compass directions...
      Spirit of the East [x 2]
    Help the New Dawn in us rising

    Spirit of the South [x 2]
    Bring us healing and laughter

    Spirit of the West [x 2]
    Bring us cleansing and insight

    Spirit of the North [x 2]
    Bring us wisdom and purity

    Grandmother Earth [x 2]
    You give us food and shelter

    Grandfather Sky [x 2]
    You breathe the breath of life into me

    Spirit of Within [x 2]
    You are my appreciation

    Wakan Tanka, Great Spirit, O Great Mystery
    Take the veil of ignorance away from me
    Wakan Tanka, Great Spirit, O Great Mystery
    Take the veil away so I may see [x 2]

    ["Song of the Sacred Directions" - Amazon links to "Sacred Drumming" source Book + CD: U.K.   USA   Canada]

  • Shamanic Journeying - Upper World, Middle World, Lower World

  • Journeying to find the spiritual guidance and "power animal" qualities that we need at this Equinox time.


  • Engaging our Patterns - Self-Awareness - Clearing Energy Blocks & Drains

  • We will use Divination Cards as a tool. Self-awareness is necessary before we can let go of ego-driven neurotic behaviour to align more with our soul purpose and divine guidance - a fundamental aspect of healing. Clearing energy blocks and energy-draining patterns provides the energy for healing work. Resources: "Letting Go Cards" - How Letting Go Saves Energy!

  • Engagement of Healing Energies - Building Heart Energy - Channelling Divine Energy

  • Aramaic Beatitudes Live CD: Dancing with the Aramaic Jesus The Beatitude Way of Yeshua by Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz - Sufi Master & Middle Eastern culture / language scholar, Saadi
    An ARAMAIC CHANTING RITUAL from the "Aramaic Beatitudes Live CD" that cultivates heart-energy and heart-centredness plus "opening up to the divine" via surrender of Ego - Based on the healing wisdom of the 3rd Beatitude from the Sermon on the Mount, plus music, mudras, movements & healing wisdom insights of Sufi Master Saadi (Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz)
    This ritual feeds on the sound-healing power of the ancient Aramaic language that was used by the legendary shamanic healer Yeshua (Jesus). In the first half of this simple, yet very powerful, group-healing ritual we will be harnessing 4 different technologies for raising energy (a healing transformation requires energy, while energy remains low, little healing is possible). We will be repeatedly chanting a short sound-healing mantra in Aramaic, plus draw on the huge healing wisdom of the translated mantra, plus make symbolic movements to the music and adopt a symbolic mudra (hand gesture) which stimulates heart-centre energy.
    In the second-half of this group healing ritual we will be both radiating (from our heart) and channelling (from Divine Universal Energy) healing energy to anyone who wishes to receive it. Listen to a live recording of an healing ritual based on this ancient Aramaic blessing.




    ...ready for the dark times ahead!


    Lead Facilitator for this event:  Dr. Mike Meredith      Email Mike

    Recommended Reading / Reference Manuals

    *"Entering The Circle" (Shamanic Healers)       "Crones Don't Whine" (Develop 13 Lifeskill & Relationship Qualities)

    *What People Say about our Shamanism Courses     *Shamanism & Positive Living Newsletter

    *More Shamanic Studies Resources     *Venue Details & Cost of this Workshop

    *CHEAL Newsgroup: Cambridge Healing & Holistic Lifestyle Group


    The transforming power of a Shamanic journey to find power animals for personal growth and maturation
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    Shamanic journeying to find your power animal for personal transformation


    *UK Shamanic Healing Workshops: U.K. Shamanism Courses & Workshops

    *Shamanic Healing: Step into Your Power!   Shamanism Online Directory

    *Experience Shamanic Healing Free - Online Now!: De-Stress Photos

      Sunflower Health  
    Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, East Anglia region of United Kingdom
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