History of Foot and Mouth epidemic in U.K. 2001
Part 5
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Descent into National Disgrace - from April 2001
Misinformation, Errors & Repercussions
fuel the horror of ineffective & expensive Control Measures in the run-up to national elections on June 7th
Disgrace = loss of favour or respect; downfall from position of honour
ignominy; shame
[Concise Oxford Dictionary]
Wednesday April 4th (day 45 of the epidemic)
Yesterday there were 44 new outbreaks, total now 991 (including 1 in N. Ireland). Total no animals slaughtered or identified as being for slaughter is around 1,010,000 - just under 631,000 slaughtered (192,000 carcases not yet disposed), 379,000 animals awaiting slaughter.
Vaccination of cattle deferred - urged to be kept indoors: MAFF
Farming and tourism will take a year to recover: Telegraph
Renewed calls for vaccination: Telegraph
MAFF data questioned: Telegraph What are We Swallowing?
Mid-April 2001
"Daily Mail" newspaper had a front page photo of a moribund lamb covered in mud. Similar pictures on TV and other media of lambs and ewes suffering and starving in appalling conditions of wet and mud and no grass to graze as a result of the continuing FMD movement restrictions: BBC update
Healthy pets killed by MAFF
UK Foot-and-Mouth Slaughter - Protest Song: Audiofile (3.8 Mb) Lyrics
Late April 2001
Government claims that epidemic is under control rebuffed: Telegraph
3 suspect human cases of FMD virus infection: Sky
Legal block on Anglesey sheep cull: Telegraph
New International FMD regulations: OIE news Full report (.PDF) (April)
UK exports may be banned for 3 years: Telegraph
Experience of enzootic FMD in sacred cattle: Guardian
Was army camp the source of UK FMD epidemic?: Telegraph
What it is like for the animal slaughterers: Telegraph
Tourist Industry damaged, overseas holidays increased: Ananova
Early May 2001
Could FMD have been in UK sheep before February?: Independent
FMD virologist quits UK: Ananova
Mid-May 2001
New Outbreaks in Borders and Dumfriesshire: BBC
Economic damage in Yorks. Dales: Telegraph
NEW! - Published 2001
The End of British Farming
In 1999, agriculture contributed £6.9 billion to the British economy, around 1 % of GDP. The figure for 2000 was £1.8 billion. In the eye of the foot and mouth epidemic of 2001, Andrew O'Hagan travelled the length and breadth of the country, talking to farmers, small and large, farmers with no crops and no animals. He takes the long view, tracing changes back to the Second World War, the international view of globalisation, supermarket shopping and the European Union. Most of all he takes a personal view - that of one of Britain's most admired, sensitive and subtle writers.
Ordering details
MAFF accused of suppressing data: Telegraph
Mental health fears as Government claim crisis is over
Upsurge in outbreaks in
N. Yorkshire: Telegraph BBC
Cull may have been excessive says Director of Pirbright: Independent
Almost 30% of confirmed FMD cases negative to laboratory tests: BBC report
Guidance for businesses and individuals affected by the Crisis: Royal Agric. Society (.PDF)
Late May 2001
Health risks from burning carcases: BBC news
FMD reappears in Devon: Ananova
Britain is Chaotic, Polluted, Ill-educated & Incompetent: Telegraph German original
Pyre Dioxins risk to dairy products: Ananova
Protest against burial site risk: Ananova
Mass cull begins in N. Yorkshire: Telegraph
468 healthy animals killed in error: Ananova
Hard-hit farmers receive supermarket vouchers: Ananova
Outbreaks in Cheshire - footpaths re-closed: Ananova
Early June 2001
Effigies burned to mark slaughter of sheep: Ananova
Vet's experience of FMD slaughter: Ananova
New Outbreaks in Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cumbria: ITN
5th (at least) farmworker commits suicide: Ananova
Farmers protest over delayed compensation: Ananova
Alleged FMD Source farm to be prosecuted: BBC
UK statistics update: Timeline
UK outbreaks totalled 1,707 (including 4 in N. Ireland) on June 6th (day 108 of the UK epidemic)
Epidemic increases meat prices: Ananova
New outbreak in N. Yorkshire: Ananova
British rugby players checked for virus in Australia: Ananova
Rural business incomes halved: Ananova
New restrictions on livestock movements in N. Yorks: MAFF
Filming began on June 6 (day 108 of the epidemic) for MAFF FMD biosecurtiy video
1718 outbreaks in UK - (4 new) at 9 a.m. 8 June
Review of FMD in Scotland: Ananova
Precautionary cull in Somerset : BBC
Vets fear for their future: BBC
Balloonists face ruin over foot and mouth: Ananova
Labour government re-elected on June 7th - but 41% of people did not vote: policy statement
former Agriculture Nick Brown is moved to Minister of State for Work
Margaret Beckett becomes Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
FMD reaches new area in Somerset: Ananova
7 new outbreaks on June 9th making total (BBC data) of 1,725 (4 in N. Ireland)
3,253,000 animals slaughtered, 39,000 awaiting slaughter, 12,000 awaiting disposal
Outdoor pursuits industry hit by FMD: Ananova
Ramblers complain about footpaths still closed: Ananova
Safe Synthetic Foot-and-Mouth Disease Vaccine
: news application
Army recalled for new outbreaks in Devon and Somerset: Ananova
4 new outbreaks on June 12th making total (BBC data) of 1,736 (4 in N. Ireland)
3,281,000 animals slaughtered, 8,125 premises have had animals slaughtered or destined for slaughter
New outbreak in Devon dashes hopes: BBC
Bureaucracy, regulation and environmentalism blamed for FMD devastation: review
MAFF may have killed 6 million animals: The Times
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons calls for an enquiry into the Foot-and-Mouth epidemic
After a stormy RCVS Council meeting on June 7th in which the Ministry of Agriculture (MAFF) was accused of neglecting the welfare of animals in its mass slaughter programme, the RCVS issued a rather more subdued official press release calling for...
"an independent enquiry not confined to scientific issues" - RCVS animal welfare oath
Call to remove "Royal" from Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons: petition
Farmers will no longer be bound by Official Secrets Act: Telegraph
Zoo visit ends in tears: Ananova
Inquests on FMD suicide farmers: Ananova
MAFF replaced by Dept. for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA): PM's Office
Update on FMD outbreaks elsewhere in Europe this year:
1 in Republic of Ireland, 2 in France, 26 in the Netherlands (21 March to 22 April)
Update on FMD controls throughout Europe: BBC
Late June 2001
Mystery vesicles confuse FMD diagnosis: Telegraph
Grunty the Pig is saved - DEFRA gets £40,000 bill: Drama in High Court
(Porcine film star fights death in FMD cull: Grunty: in Court Update)
FMD bioterrorism risk: Ananova
Travellers fined for carrying fruit, plants or meat: New Zealand
7 new outbreaks on June 17th making total (MAFF data) of 1,759 (4 in N. Ireland)
8,234 premises have had animals slaughtered or destined for slaughter
3,371,000 animals identified for slaughter, of which 3,335,000 animals slaughtered (525,000 cattle, 2,681,000 sheep, 127,000 pigs, 2,000 goats) and
36,000 animals awaiting slaughter. 13,000 carcases awaiting disposal.
Seasonal sheep movements pose new FMD threat: Irish Times
FMD infection - on sale to farmers: BBC
Speaking on June 21st, the new UK Minister for Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs (DEFRA), Margaret Beckett, stated that 4.5 million animals (almost 9% of
the UK livestock population of 55M) had been destroyed in the past 4 months in a bid to control FMD
The number of new outbreaks averages 4-5 per day.
FMD epidemic Enquiry announced & Movement restrictions lifted : BBC
Foot and mouth gives landscape a fresh look
The foot-and-mouth disease slaughter has cleared cattle and sheep from vast areas of farmland, but it has been "boom time" for wild flowers, grass and ground-nesting birds. The new landscape is beginning to resemble the flower-clad fields of Victorian England and the... quote from The Times June 20th, 2001
FMD depopulation strategy benefits flowers:
Contiguous cull of 2M animals may have been unnecessary: Independent
The Netherlands regained foot and mouth disease free status on June 25th 2001
The first outbreak was detected on a goat and veal production farm on March 15 in Oene, virus came from a batch of calves from Ireland that contacted sheep from England during a rest stop in France. There have 26 cases of FMD, last on April 22.
100.000 animals (later destroyed) were vaccinated to control FMD spread. Altogether 265,000 animals were killed. There were many protests by farmers and consumers in favour of vaccination rather than destruction. The outbreaks have led to debate about farming including proposals for: 25-30% less farm animals, less intensive farming systems, abolition of cattle markets, ban on transportation exceeding 8 hours, better recording of sheep and their movements.
France regained foot and mouth disease free status on June 23rd 2001
after three months of no new outbreaks. There had been 2 outbreaks in France
Predicted impact & control of FMD in USA: USDA
Texas undertakes FMD outbreak simulation: details
New outbreak in Wales (Brecon Beacons) on June 25th
4,000 animals are being destroyed - REPORT - the first outbreak in Wales for a month. 1,784 confirmed outbreaks in UK now
Hedgehogs (susceptible to FMD virus) affected by movement controls: Ananova
Continuing nightmare of movement controls: BBC
Army deployments in foot-and-mouth control: map
Major allegations against MAFF alias DEFRA: Sunday Times
FMD enquiry may be half-hearted: Telegraph
Cull workers contract Q fever: Guardian
Takeaway meals are more important than dead hamsters: FMD media complaint
Second new outbreak in Wales (Brecon Beacons): Ananova
Cull worker screening programme for Q fever: Ananova
Costs of FMD cull outweigh trade benefit: Independent
4th outbreak confirmed in Brecon Beacons: 96th outbreak in Wales
1,793 outbreaks in UK on June 29th - 3 new (2 Cumbria 1 N.Yorks)
FMD disinfection update: DEFRA
Early July 2001
Q fever caught by cull workers - background on the disease
FMD update July 3rd: BBC
5th outbreak confirmed in Brecon Beacons: 5th new outbreak in Wales
Departmental culture blamed for FMD crisis: In Parliament
Scottish auction and meat group call for public inquiry: Meat News
Heroes and Villains in the UK FMD crisis
Villains: A TV documentary has interviewed leading people in the FMD epidemic and concluded that the crisis had been "fuelled by government incompetence and mismanagement". In particular that the government "for weeks ignored reports that slaughter was very delayed".
The programme suggested that a government immersed in "spin" (manipulation of public perception) and "presentation" found it hard to believe that others might be telling the truth.
Heroes: The heroes of the crisis were undoubtedly the army who, although not called in until despair and chaos reigned, were fast, efficient and showed great initiative in getting hundreds of thousands of rotting carcases off farms and into burial sites. They were the main influence in reducing long delays in slaughtering and carcase disposal.
Control of the epidemic: Interviews screened revealed that the epidemiology modelling team at Imperial College (IC) led by Prof. Roy Anderson offered their services to MAFF on March 2nd, but had to wait a week to obtain the data they needed, and their findings and advice were largely rejected by the Chief Veterinary Officer of MAFF. The IC modelling results indicated that each infected farm was infecting two others, due largely to slaughter delays, and that the epidemic was doubling in size every 8 days.
The mass cull: The policy of culling farms contiguous to infected ones was advocated by the external scientific advisors and allegedly opposed by the Chief Veterinary Officer who was allegedly satisfied that existing controls would be sufficient. At this point, the government's Chief Scientific Advisor, Sir John Krebs of the Food Standards Agency, stepped in and took policy control of the epidemic away from the State Veterinary Service andplaced it in the hands of scientific advisors (a replay of the BSE saga). MAFF was left to implement policy, including the ring cull, rather than formulate it.
The outbreak is under control: The documentary included footage of one of the notorious interviews (March 11th BBC TV) in which the Minister for Agriculture, Nick Brown, stated "we do have it under control". A few days later two teams of independent epidemiologists publically reported that the epidemic (which the government had always referred to as an "outbreak") was clearly out of control.
Non-vaccination policy: MAFF had ruled out vaccination in the early weeks of the crisis but, according to interviews shown in this documentary, the Prime Minister Tony Blair and the Agriculture Minister decided in late March to implement cattle vaccination, following an approach led by Prince Charles. The policy was however firmly rejected by Ben Gill, leader of the National Farmers Union (NFU), who mistrusted the motives for this abrupt change of government view just before the planned General Election on May 3rd. The programme alleged that the government was afraid to upset farmers just before an election (in view of the widespread "countryside revolt" problems the government had faced in 2000) so the vaccination plan was dropped in favour of prolonging the housing of cattle wintered indoors. It was recognised that once vaccination was initiated, there would be no "going back" and more use of vaccination might follow, so rejection of vaccination at this point (late April) by the NFU apparently closed the door on vaccination. (Source: Channel 4 "Outbreak" 9 pm July 3)
Epidemic lifts consumer spending 1.06%: Ananova
Scotland livestock markets return in September: Ananova
Negative blood tests from Brecon Beacons: BBC
Epidemic update: BBC
Bishop points to mistrust legacy of FMD crisis: Ananova
New outbreak in Brecon Beacons close to common grazing: Irish Independent
Effect of Foot and Mouth controls on UK Tourism
Footpaths throughout Britain were closed as part of the control strategy to prevent spread of FMD virus, although most are now open. This was one of a number of negative effects that the epidemic has had on tourism. The Office for National Statistics reports overseas visitors arriving in Britain in April was 22% lower than in April 2000. The fall is attributed mainly to a drop in tourists from western Europe. In the 3 months from April 1 to June 1, overseas visitors fell by 4% to 6.1 millions.
FMD vaccination to be endorsed in EU: rejection of mass slaughter
Burger sales across Europe hit by FMD concern: Ananova
Pig industry in danger: Agweb
DEFRA launches new FMD precautions video: free download
Pig industry threatened by new cluster of outbreaks in N. Yorks: BBC
Government sets up crisis management unit in Cabinet Office: Telegraph
Rare pigs hit by crippling cost of movement controls: EADT
Dartmoor national park reopens: Ananova
Direct costs of FMD controls: UK taxpayers bill
New antibodies find in Brecon Beacons: Ananova
EU non-vaccination policy is legal: Agweb
Easing of stringent FMD controls in Netherlands
After a revolt from parliament, farmers and vets, Minister Brinkhorst has rescinded the stringent requirement for monthly clinical FMD checks by vets on goats and sheep. Only a single check will now be required, except for veal calves which will still have repeated checking.
Earlier this week, Dutch farmers were alarmed at the costs they would have to bear for continuing FMD precautions. Farms with five or more sheep/goats or two or more veal calves were to be inspected by a vet, at the farmers' expense, every 4 weeks, despite the low accuracy (both sensitivity and specificity) of clinical diagnosis of FMD. Farms which purchase sheep or goats were to have a FMD blood test within 2 weeks, again at the owners' expense. New regulations for livestock markets are so restrictive that it is virtually impossible for them to re-open.
Animal body parts found after cull in North Yorkshire
Vaccination endorsed by EU: Independent
Animal shelters suffer effects of FMD controls: Ananova
East Anglia pig industry worried by continuing FMD risk: EDP
History of UK FMD 2001-2
from Outbreak to Epidemic to Endemic to Depopulation to Disaster (this page)
to Timebomb to Rural rasure to Recovery to Healing & Transformation
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