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History of Foot and Mouth epidemic in U.K. 2001
Part 6
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Continuing outbreaks - a tailend timebomb? - July/August 2001
The tail of the epidemic seems to go on endlessly, posing a constant threat to areas not yet infected - particularly the main dense pig farming area of East Yorkshire. The government firmly rejects both vaccination and the growing clamour for a public enquiry into the handling of the FMD crisis. Alarmed at the massive cost of FMD control, the government highlights farmers as "compensation junkies" and acts to reduce future support.
Late July 2001
Tesco to buy 2 million FMD-restricted lambs: Ananova
5 new outbreaks + "hardline" reaction to FMD crisis: Telegraph
3 million UK sheep marooned by FMD crisis: Ananova
Forced opening of footpaths: Ananova
Farmers angry at refusal of public enquiry: UK epidemic
Farmer at start of epidemic appears in court: 16 charges
Bioterrorism concerns continue: New Scientist
Public enquiry into FMD crisis is ruled out: Ananova
Epidemic updates: 18 July 17 July
Benefit fraud by cull workers: Telegraph
DEFRA has inherited MAFF's problems: farmer complaints
FMD crisis continues to impact food prices: Ananova
Supermarkets begged to help avoid destruction of millions of lambs: Ananova
Foot and mouth spreads to Greater Manchester: Wigan
Footpaths mostly re-opened nationwide: Ananova
Mass screening of 12,000 sheep in Brecon Beacons National Park: Ananova
New call for FMD vaccination: Prof. Wheelock
Public inquiry rejected on grounds it would attract "every crackpot": Animal Health Minister
7,000 farms waiting to be disinfected
July 23: The UK government has halted, for two weeks, the disinfection of farms that have had foot and mouth. The government is reviewing the £2 million (GB pounds) per day cost to taxpayers of disinfecting farms infected with foot and mouth disease. The total cost of the operation has apparently built up to about £800M (currency conversion). The cost of disinfecting farms is said to be up to 10 times the cost of treating similar farms elsewhere in Europe. Further spending has been halted, until revised costs are agreed, but the Department of Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) says that the suspension of disinfection is only temporary. Number of farms affected is about 7,000 which cannot be restocked until disinfection is completed.
Disinfection halted - 4 outbreaks July 22nd: Telegraph
- Published July 2001!
Out of the Ashes - FMD epidemic in UK
A children's story based on real life events- As the year 2001 begins, disaster engulfs the British countryside as foot and mouth disease plunges farming communities into nightmare. The infection draws closer and closer to the Morley's small acreage. Then the unmistakeable symptoms appear in one of their cows.
Available (to all countries) from Amazon UK
Outbreaks tally may be underestimated by 1,500: Telegraph
New biosecurity measures in Yorkshire: Pig industry in danger
New Outbreak in Wales: Ananova
Biosecurity zone in N. Yorks to protect main pig industry: BBC
Large number of new sheep infections found in Brecon Beacons
July 25: Destruction of 4,000 sheep will begin immediately in the Brecon Beacons common grazing area of Wales. Blood samples taken last weekend have revealed FMD antibodies in sheep from five areas of the Beacons. Several thousand more sheep are to be tested.
Tourism damage from FMD controls (espy. footpath closures): Cumbria
Prince Charles warns of collapse of farming: Telegraph
Alleged abuse of foot-and-mouth compensation system: Independent
Surplus sheep - European Commission finances storage: Ananova
Last infected area in Scotland lifted: Ananova
Deer to be tested in Yorkshire: Agweb
Court battle to save pet pig and pigmy goats from culling is abandoned: Ananova
UK Chief Vet interviewed on BBC radio on July 27th
The DEFRA (formerly MAFF) Chief Veterinary Officer, Mr. Jim Scudamore, reported that a range of FMD antibody levels (high, medium and zero) had been found in the Brecon Beacons sheep this week, indicating that FMD virus is currently active in the region on a number of farms. Mr. Scudamore was asked about the continuing FMD problem despite a press conference on May 3rd announcing "we are on the home straight" and despite a prediction by government epidemiologists that outbreaks would fall to zero by June 7th (revised date of the national elections). The Chief Vet replied that only 3 or 4 regional "hotspots" of FMD remained. His policies were strongly criticised on air by a retired senior veterinarian, Ken Tyrrell, who had worked for MAFF in the 1967 epidemic. Mr. Tyrrell suggested that yesterday's outbreak in Warrington, Lancashire was close to a huge rendering plant used for FMD carcases, and that the importance of not transporting infected carcases around the country was being neglected. DEFRA strategies were also criticised on grounds of welfare abuse, excessive bureaucracy, lack of commonsense and failure to apply lessons learned from the 1967/68 epidemic.
Outbreaks map + hope that heatwave will eliminate remaining FMD hotspots: Telegraph
Audit Office to investigate handling of foot and mouth crisis: Times
4 outbreaks on July 26 + cull of 4,000 sheep in Brecon Beacons: Wales
Prime Minister jeered by angry farmers: Cumbria
Gooseberries affected by foot and mouth: Yorkshire
Too many people & too many animals have suffered says top vet: Veterinary Record July 9
40,000 sheep may be culled in Brecon Beacons: Ananova
Alleged corruption in FMD compensation: Times
2 new outbreaks in Wales + Brecon cull delay: Ananova
FMD infection - fraud investigation: Telegraph Times
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Farmers deliberately acquiring foot and mouth virus: BBC Telegraph Independent
Wales' carcases to go to England: Ananova
Vet unhappy with response of Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons: Warmwell
Clamour for public enquiry - government may be swayed: Ananova
DEFRA announce some costs of FMD outbreak
July 31: The Department of Environment has announced that expenditure to date on compensation of farmers for the destruction of animals plus the cost of cleaning and disinfecting farms amounts to 1.2 billion GB pounds (). Work in progress is expected to raise this to 2.3 billion GB pounds. These costings exclude direct costs of the huge administrative, laboratory and veterinary effort that has gone into control of the epidemic, some of which falls on local authorities. Indirect costs, such as disruption of abattoir, meat and livestock industries and the impact on tourism are also not included.
Airborne (windborne) spread of foot and mouth disease virus: ProMED discussion
Early August 2001 Dangerous situation has developed in Yorkshire!
Vaccination considered in Yorkshire: Times
2 million lambs may have to be slaughtered because of FMD controls: ITN
Devon & South West now clear of Foot and Mouth Disease restrictions
Blood testing hill flocks could spread FMD: Ananova
Unprotected pigs = Unprotected taxpayers: personal opinion
Policing of biosecurity in North Yorkshire around Thirsk began 30 July 2001
Carcase parts thrown into livestock fields: Times
Fraud results in change in compensation system: Times
Second cull of free-roaming sheep in Brecon Beacons: Ananova
DEFRA claim of contiguous cull efficacy challenged by farmers: Warmwell
Vesicle on tongue turned out to be "wooden tongue" (Actinobacillus): Warmwell
More infected free-roaming sheep found in Brecon Beacons: BBC
outbreaks update
August 2: Another outbreak confirmed in North Yorkshire this morning, UK total now stands at 1922. 7 new outbreaks yesterday (five in Cumbria + two in North Yorkshire - at Ugthorpe, Whitby and Balk, Thirsk)
2 new outbreaks - Farmers receive up to £4.2M compensation each: BBC
More FMD antibodies found on Brecon Beacons (Aug 3): Ananova
Outbreak - detailed report from Yorkshire: Aug 2nd
Plans to re-open landfill sites: Ananova
Poor performance of FMD computer models: Australian view
Epidemic update - clean-up resumes: Telegraph
Export of meat to EU despite FMD? Argentina update
Vaccination could have reduced epidemic cost by £3 billion (currency conversion) : BBC
(How vaccination was rejected: in April)Computer modellers reject vaccination: BBC
DEFRA gives mixed message on strategic vaccination: Yorkshire Post
Yorkshire pig industry threat - update: Telegraph
DEFRA & NFU - an un-holi alliance?
An out-of-control FMD epidemic has been handled without strategic vacccination
This has cost millions of healthy animals lives, traumatised many thousands of people (some fatally), damaged the environment, disrupted farming and food supplies, sucked in imports, cost taxpayers over £2 billion and cost rural businesses and tourism many more billions. WHY?...
DEFRA & NFU: News NFU April view Vet.Record NFU & public purse Spin-doctoring?
Prof.Midmore - economic arguments against the cullsummary full papers (PDF)
PDIC Abigail Woods Elm Farm Research Centre Prof. Wheelock Warmwell Farmtalking Cullmaff Eastpenrest Merinosheep Causal.org Sheepdrove Heartofdevon Farmersforaction Action-footandmouth FMD scientists
Anti-Vaccination stance questioned yet again: BBC
Scotland anticipates FMD-free status: Ananova
Government moves to re-shape UK farming: Guardian
The high cost of NOT catching foot and mouth: Independent
Stink over "welfare" carcase dumping in Cambridgeshire: East Anglian Daily Times
Epidemic update: NFU rejects FMD insurance
Farmer defends compensation payment of over £4M : Telegraph Case 2
1 outbreak on August 7th - taxes could rise: Telegraph
Vets condemn needless slaughter: Cumbria
The livestock valuation jungle: Times
Economic issues get hotter: UK economy implications & Payments row
Huge policing operation underway in Cumbria: Ananova
No outbreaks August 6th + Brussels payments enquiry: Telegraph
Rural recovery co-ordinator offers farmers a gloomy future: Times
FMD Minister takes 5 week holiday: Telegraph Farmers angry
Insurers and farmers resist FMD insurance plans: Independent
Don't make a sow's ear out of a silk purse: farmers v taxpayers
Sheep spread fear - new biosecurity zone near Penrith: Cumbria
Place of farming in the economy: Guardian
2 outbreaks in Cumbria on August 4th, none on August 5th
Meat export resumption in Scotland: blood testing programme (Ananova News Agency)
5 outbreaks (Cumbria) on Aug 8. 3 outbreaks (Yorkshire) Aug 7: update
Factors in FMD spread in Wales: ProMED
Scandal over poor biosecurity in Yorkshire
Spot checks by Trading Standards on farm vehicles in the Yorkshire biosecurity zone centred on the town of Thirsk have revealed that 1 in 10 vehicles has not been cleaned after leaving a farm. Out of 1,100 farms in the zone, 80 did not have proper facilities for disinfection e.g footbaths at the entrance. Prosecutions are being threatened Ananova News Agency report1 outbreak Aug 10 (Cumbria) + enquiries criticised: Telegraph
Lessons of last epidemic were not applied: Times
Farmers fined for breaching biosecurity controls: Independent
Journalist stripped and disinfected in biosecurity zone! : Ananova News Agency
5 outbreaks Aug. 9 (2 Cumbria 3 Wales) + accusations of cover-up: Telegraph
New FMD crisis chief: 'New broom' to "sweep away foot-and-mouth debris"
Thousands more sheep are to be culled on the Brecon Beacons region of Wales: Ananova News Agency
More charges against source farm: Ananova News Agency
6 outbreaks in Cumbria on August 15th
EU pays UK £224M (convert) Netherlands £24.7, France £2.1M, Ireland £1.7M FMD compensation: Ananova News Agency
Meat imports from FMD-infected Brazil upset UK farmers: Ananova News Agency
We have received a report that the staff of DEFRA are planning to strike on Monday August 20th because of a dispute over pay.
Pig farm, alleged source of epidemic, faces 16 charges: Ananova News Agency
Rural recovery co-ordinator criticises Prince of Wales: Telegraph
Vet and Co. save bulls by barn sleep-in: Telegraph
Effect of foot and mouth on inflation: Ananova News Agency
Outbreaks could double: Prof. Ferguson, of Imperial College
3 outbreaks on August 12 (2 Cumbria, 1 Wales)
£50,000 compensation for one sheep!
July 31: The Department of Environment has paid 50,000 GB pounds (convert) foot and mouth compensation (contiguous cull) for a pedigree breeding ram. The ram, named Mossdale Nuggett, was a Swaledale - an indigenous breed with a reputation for high quality wool and hardiness. The ram was owned by Eric Nelson of Bull and Cave Farm, near Lancaster and Robbie Cowperthwaite of Stockdale Farm, Settle. They had paid £50,000 for the ram in 1997
Culled farmers "better off" says rural recovery co-ordinator: Telegraph
Farmers are ungrateful - Agriculture Minister: Telegraph
All travellers' baggage to be screened for foot-and-mouth virus: Australia
BBC may have spread FMD virus: Ananova News Agency
Trading Standards officers speak out about the FMD crisis: Ananova News Agency
English "outsiders" compared to foot-and-mouth disease by Welsh farmers: Ananova News Agency
Lord Haskins delivers stark message in Cumbria: BBC
Livestock sales resume in Scotland: BBC
Weaner pigs accumulation in Yorkshire
Young weaned pigs are building up on farms at a rate of 12,000-15,000 per week.
They are mostly being housed outdoors in temporary accommodation.
Producers want to move the weaners to indoor housing as soon as possible, but DEFRA has not yet given permission for any pig movements in the Thirsk area "blue" biosecurity zone. It is also hoped that pig movements to Malton may soon be permitted.
Late August 2001
Are farmers "compensation junkies"? - A personal opinion
The UK Rural recovery co-ordinator, Lord Haskins, says farmers are too dependent on subsidies, and on state help in a crisis. The other side of this coin, which he omits to mention, is that farmers also have to bear a debilitating avalanche of state and EU interference (bureaucratic and regulatory) on a scale unknown to other industries. Also, in the UK, over the past two years, a government policy of high value for the GB pound has made home-produced food uncompetitive against imports.
How can livestock farmers be independent while carrying considerable state-imposed burdens and while being denied a "level playing field" against import competition?
Lord Haskins extols French farmers as a shining example of rural survival - but we all know that French farmers are pre-eminent in the EU for their swift (and usually militant) repulsion of state- or EU-imposed intolerable interference with their livelihood. - M.J.M.
What are your views? - Please post your comments now in our special Livestock farming discussion area
Epidemic update - debt legacy of lady who saved Merino sheep: Telegraph
1 outbreak in Cumbria, 1 in Yorkshire on August 16th Three cows and their calves with clinical signs of foot and mouth disease have been slaughtered on a farm at the hamlet of Nine Banks near Hexham, Northumberland (county of origin of the epidemic, back in February). This small hamlet (a hamlet is smaller than a village) is situated in a valley where there have been no foot and mouth disease outbreaks previously. This is the first evidence of the FMD virus in that county for just over three months. Other animals on the farm have been slaughtered - 60 cattle and 200 sheep in total. Their carcases have been transported in three lorries to a rendering plant in Cheshire.
Costs escalate as lifting of movement controls is awaited: Essex
3,000 DEFRA employees take industrial action
August 20: there is a pay dispute by former MAFF staff who are paid less than their colleagues from the former DETR department. Front line staff working with foot and mouth disease control are minimally affected: Ananova News Agency
no outbreaks on August 19th
Update on the FMD protest march in London: Ananova News Agency
Live cattle sales resume in N. Scotland: BBC
1 outbreak in Cumbria, 1 in N.Yorkshire on August 18th
Foot and mouth movement licences issued like blank cheques: Telegraph
Control breaches may prolong farm disease: BBC
Epidemiologist's warning - FMD controls are not working: Ananova News Agency
Regional papers demand public enquiry: scathing attack on PM
Origin of epidemic's problems - MAFF & Downing Street dispute: Scotsman
Protest March against FMD enquiries: London 20 August
Worrying new outbreak of foot-and-mouth in Northumberland - August 24th
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) plan to destroy all susceptible animals on five neighbouring farms in the next 36 hours. 3 km protection zone and 10 km surveillance zone have been created around the infected farm. There are more than 60 susceptible premises within three kilometres of the infected farm and the weather conditions are currently wet in the area - favouring virus survival and spread. There have been grouse-shooting parties in the area recently, but no more will be permitted. DEFRA have discounted the grouse-shoots as a factor in this new outbreak.Yorkshire foot and mouth high risk areas: increased prtoection demanded
1 outbreak (Cumbria) on August 23rd
Travellers unaware of meat import controls: NFU survey
1 outbreak (Cumbria) on August 22nd
Note: raw meat can legally be brought in from the EU, and cooked meat (less than 1 kg) from outside EU
Zany world "bog snorkelling" championships cancelled due to FMD in Wales: Ananova News Agency
4 outbreaks (Cumbria) on August 21st
Legal defeat for opponent of Brecon healthy sheep cull - High Court decision: Ananova News Agency
Foot and mouth outbreaks in Zimbabwe - exports halted: Ananova News Agency
EU reimburses Member States for FMD controls: European Commission
3 outbreaks (Cumbria) on August 20th
Scotland anticipates return to normal: BBC
2 outbreaks (Cumbria & Northumberland) on August 24th
Second outbreak Northumberland on August 25th: BBC
Security zone extended in Yorkshire: Yorkshire Post
7 farms under restrictions in Scotland: Telegraph
Foot and mouth disease undermines fabric of rural life: BBC
Scotland nervous as 3 months freedom is glimpsed: Ananova News Agency
13th outbreak in Northumberland - August 28th - Easing of national controls: Ananova News Agency
8 outbreaks August 27th (5 Northumberland, 3 Cumbria)
Epidemic updates: BBC ITN
Livestock on 4 farms Scottish Borders under observation.
Herds in Scotland had contact with Northumberland outbreak: Ananova News Agency
Mass inspection of farms in Northumberland: BBC
Virus spread in populations - principles of vaccination control
6 outbreaks on August 26th - 3 Northumberland 3 Cumbria
3 more outbreaks in Northumberland on August 26th: Ananova News Agency & BBC
Foot and mouth disease outbreaks: Azerbaijan Zimbabwe
3rd new outbreak in Northumberland!: Ananova News Agency
Northumberland crisis - tough new controls: Ananova News Agency & BBC
5 outbreaks on August 31st - 2 Cumbria, 3 Northumberland
3 new outbreaks in Northumberland! - Army called in! : Ananova News Agency
18,000 animals destroyed in 13 Northumberland outbreaks: Ananova
Case history - Northumberland foot and mouth outbreak 2: Telegraph
no new outbreaks on August 29-30th
Sheep will starve say farmers: Telegraph
Quarter of British businesses damaged by foot-and-mouth: News Report in full
Call for test vaccinations to control foot and mouth: ITN
Scotland wants to resume meat exports: Ananova News Agency
It's time to vaccinate, says Blair's adviser: Times
No fresh outbreaks in Northumberland - army on standby - 3 weeks of caution (Ananova News Agency)
National Farmers' Union in Scotland call for disinfection sites along the border (Ananova News Agency)
Grouse shooting implications in Northumberland: Ananova News Agency
Vaccination cost estimated at £200M - culling cost already £2.2 billion: Telegraph
National Farmers' Union break ranks over official inquiries planned: Times
Dutch farmers demand UK vaccinates
August 28: Dutch farmers' group, LTO-Nederland, want the United Kingdom to commence ring vaccination in order to control the continuing foot and mouth disease epidemic
Their spokesman, Jack Luiten, is reported as saying "We are very concerned about what is going on over there. If they continue the way they have, there's a chance that the disease will not be under control by next summer. Please go over to another policy and start ring vaccination like we did in the Netherlands. We are very afraid that a second outbreak in the Netherlands would be a complete disaster."
History of UK FMD 2001-2002:
from Outbreak to Epidemic to Endemic to Depopulation to Disaster
to Timebomb (this page) to Rural rasure to Recovery to Healing & Transformation
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